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Collections Library

YASL’s collections library defined the following functions.

Collections functions

Name Arguments Description
set args… Returns a set containing args.
list args… Alternate constructor for lists.
table args… Alternate constructor for tables.

Set functions

Name Arguments Description
tostr self Returns a string representation of self.
tolist self Creates a new list containing all the elements of self, in arbitrary order.
add self, val Updates self to contain val.
remove self, val Removes val from self.
copy self Creates a copy of self.
clear self Removes all elements from self.
contains self, val Returns true if val is in self, otherwise false.
Operator Operands Description
& left, right Set intersection of left and right.
| left, right Set union of left and right.
^ left, right Symmetric set difference of left and right.
&^ left, right Set difference of left and right.
len set Cardinality of set.
< left, right Checks left is a strict subset of right.
<= left, right Checks left is a subset of right.
> left, right Checks left is a strict superset of right.
>= left, right Checks left is a superset of right.
== left, right Checks left is equal to right.
!= left, right Checks left is not equal to right.