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Built-in Functions

YASL has to following built-in functions. Note that these are all attached to the metatables for certain types. So to call int.tofloat on something of type int, if x was an int value, one would type x.tofloat(x). As short-hand for this, you can also type x->tofloat(), which is exactly the same as x.tofloat(x). This notation can be used for all functions listed below.

Operators for non-numeric types are also included here.

Undef Functions

Name Arguments Description
tostr self converts self to a str value.
tobool self converts self to a bool value.

Float Functions

Name Arguments Description
toint self converts self to an int value, truncating if necessary.
tobool self converts self to a bool value.
tostr self converts self to a str value.
tofloat self return self.

Int Functions

Name Arguments Description
tofloat self converts self to an float value, rounding to nearest float if necessary if necessary.
tobool self converts self to a bool value.
toint self return self.
tostr self converts self to a str value.

Bool Functions

Name Arguments Description
tostr self converts self to a str value.
tobool self returns self.
Operator Operands Description
| left, right Logical or (not short-circuiting).
& left, right Logical and (not short-circuiting).
^ left, right Logical xor (not short-circuiting).
&^ left, right Logical and-not (not short-circuiting).
^ b Logical not.

Str Functions

Name Arguments Description
tofloat self converts self to a float value, returning nan if unable to parse a float.
toint self converts self to an int value, returning nan if unable to parse an int.
isalnum self returns true if self consists only of alphanumeric characters, else false.
isal self returns true if self consists only of alphabetic characters, else false.
isnum self returns true if self consists only of numeric characters, else false.
isspace self returns true if self consists only of whitespace characters, else false.
tobool self converts self to a boolean value, based on the Truthines of self.
tostr self returns self.
toupper self returns a new str that is an uppercase version of self.
tolower self returns a new str that is a lowercase version of self.
startswith self, substr returns true if self starts with substr, else false.
endswith self, substr returns true if self ends with substr, else false.
replace self, substr, replstr returns a copy of self with all instances of substr replaced with replstr.
search self, substr returns the index of the first instance of substr in self, else returns undef.
count self, substr returns the number of times substr occurs in self.
split self, substr returns a list formed from splitting self at every instance of substr. If substr is not supplied, split on all white space.
ltrim self, substr trims all substr instances from left of self. If substr is not provided, trim all white space from the left instead.
rtrim self, substr trims all substr instances from right of self. If substr is not provided, trim all white space from the right instead.
trim self, substr trims all substr instances from both sides of self. If substr is not provided, trim all white space from both sides instead.
rep self, n makes a new string that is a n copies of self.
Operator Operands Description
len self returns the number of characters in self.
[] self, index returns the substring of self of length 1 at index.
[:] self, start, end returns the substring of self from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).

List Functions

Name Arguments Description
push self, val puts val at end of self.
copy self returns a copy of self.
pop self removes last element of self and returns it.
tostr self converts self to a str value.
search self returns the index of the first instance of substr in self, else returns undef.
reverse self reverses self in-place.
clear self removes all values from self.
join self, delim joins all elements of self together, using delim to delimite them.
sort self sorts self, alphabetically for list of strings and numerically for list of numbers.
spread self returns all elements of self as a variadic pack.
count self, val returns the number of occurances of val in self. Comparisons are done with ==.
insert self, index, val inserts val into self at index.
remove self, val removes the first occurance of val from self. Comparisons are done with ==.
Operator Operands Description
len self returns the number of items in self.
[] self, index returns the value of self at index.
[] self, index, val updates the value of self at index to val.
[:] self, start, end returns a new list based on self from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
+ left, right concatenates left and right into a new list.

Table Functions

Name Arguments Description
keys self returns a list containing all the keys in self.
values self returns a list containing all the values in self.
copy self returns a copy of self.
tostr self converts self to a str value.
clear self removes all values from self.
remove self, key removes the key and its associated value from self. Does nothing if key is not present.
Operator Operands Description
len self returns the number of key-value pairs in self.
| left, right returns the union of left and right based on keys, taking the value from right if any keys overlap.
[] self, index returns the value of self at index.
[] self, index, val updates the value of self at index to val.