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Variables and Constants


Variables are places to store values. They can be declared with the following syntax:

"let" ID "=" expr

ID is any valid identifier ([A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]* i.e. alphanumerics, underscores, and dollar-signs, and not starting with a number) and expr is any valid expression.


# declare new variable x, set its value to 64
let x = 64


Constants are similar to variables, but the value cannot be reassigned once it has been set. Note that if the value set is mutable, such as a list or an array, it can still be mutated. Constants can be declared and initialized with the following syntax:

"const" ID "=" expr

Note that constants must be initialized, unlike variables.


# declare new constant pi, set its value to 3.14159. 
# trying to reassign pi is an error
const pi = 3.14159  
# error, because tau was not initialised
const tau