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Values and Types

YASL is a dynamically typed langauge. This means that variables don’t carry any type information; only values do. YASL has the following 10 basic types:


The undef type has 1 value, undef, which is useful mainly because it is different from all other values. It is the default value for a variable if the variable is not given a value during declaration.


The bool type has 2 values, true and false, with the expected semantics of booleans.


The int type represents signed, 64-bit, two’s complement integers. int literals can be created for base-2 (prefix 0b or 0B ), base-10 (no prefix), or base-16 (prefix 0x or 0X ). Note that int literals with leading 0’s are interpreted as base-10, not base-8 as in some languages.

Some example integer literals: 0b100, 0x0A, 42.


The float type represents IEEE double precision floating point numbers. float literals must have at least 1 digit both before and after the decimal point, unlike some other languages. Exponential notation is also allowed.

Some example float literals: 1.5, 2.7, 1.6e4.


The str type represents an immutable sequence of ASCII characters. There are four syntaxes for strings in YASL. Single quoted strings allow escape sequences, such as \n for a newline. Back quoted strings are interpreted literally, with no escape sequences, so \n is interpreted as a backslash followed by an n. Double quoted strings allow interpolation, between #{ and } pairs. A dot followed by an identifier is a string containing that identifier name. (i.e. .x is the same as 'x'.)

Some example strings:


The list type represents a resizing array. list values are declared with: "[" [ {expr "," } expr ] "]". Note that no trailing commas are allowed after the last value in a list. list values can be iterated over with for-loops or list/table comprehensions.

Some example lists:


The table type represents a hashtable. Non-empty table values are declared with: "{" { expr ":" expr "," } [ expr ":" expr ] "}". The empty table is {}. As with lists, no trailing commas are allowed after the last key-value pair. table values can be iterated over with for-loops or list/table comprehensions.

Some example tables (suppose f is some function):


The fn type represents a function. There are both named and anonymous functions in YASL. Functions can be nested arbitrarilty.

Some example functions:


The userdata type represents values that have been implemented through the C API. In the standard library, the io library introduces the file type, and the collections library introduces the set type, both of which are represented by User-data internally. User-data memory is managed by YASL, and user-data can have a meta-table that can be used to look up methods on the user-data, and a tag that can be used to differentiate different kinds of user-data.


The userptr type is similar to userdata, with a few key differences:

The upside of user-pointers is that they are much lighter-weight than user-data, because of the above. There are no examples of user-pointers in the built-in standard libraries.